Jan 13 -Who is Afraid of The Male Model? - Life Drawing Session with Adrian

After a long break Artmakessense is back! With the one and only Modbod Adrian. Inspired by the English artist Jane Clathworthy we found a suitable theme: the male model. Unlike many other artists: Jane is inspired by the male body. She called this in one of her posts: ‘Who is Afraid of the Male body?’ Whenever male models are on the agenda: numbers are dropping. Adrian is the perfect model to convince you that the other way around: male bodies can be a big inspiration to be drawn.
The Model: Modbod Adrian
One of the most professional and inspiring models. Adrian has over 20 years experience as a professional life model - from pubs to palaces of cabbages and kings. He is well known in the online life drawing groups, worked regularly Artmakessense a couple of times. We love Adrian because of his original poses, warm attitude and creativity.
The inspirational theme: The Male Model
In 2022 we will give extra attention to the male model. Every month one of our sessions will be reserved for a male model. Our theme will be the male model himself. We call this ‘Who's afraid of the Male Model?’ But of course nobody will be afraid, these are sessions which are experimental, original and of course non-classical. So join us in our sessions this year. And show your creativity and give support to the male model.
About Artmakessense
Since 2016 organizer and promoter of socially sensitive art projects. Based in Alkmaar, The Netherlands. With our online life drawings with Zoom we try to create a new form of interactive and creative community of artists and models, within the (in)possibilities of online drawing.
themes for 2022:
the male model
sessions inspired on a artist or art theme
sensual and erotical sessions
‘how to draw’ sessions with an experienced artist
Our session will be every Thursday Evening 20.00, Amsterdam/ CET time. Host: Michel Ranzijn
19.45 zoom door open.
The poses start 20.00 till 22.00 Amsterdam time/CET.
After 22.00 we take time to show each other the artworks.
The poses are 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes.
Open to all levels, beginners and pro.
Info and tickets on our website:
Tickets: bookwhen.com/nl/artmakessense
Instagram: www.instagram.com/artmakessenselife/